At NuVision we strive  to provide a customer service experience that is outstanding and we survive on referrals from happy customers. Over the years we have realised that nothing compromises customer satisfaction like variations in cost and scope of a project. With this in mind, when we prepare your quote we aim to investigate all possible causes of variation. We are not attempting to produce an appealing sales pitch in order to win your contract, only to present you with variations to the cost along the way.

The NuVision quoting method is aimed at producing the closest thing possible to a fixed price contract for your work. We do not use square metre rates for quoting as they do not factor in all foreseeable costs. At NuVision we investigate your site and project thoroughly to identify as many factors as possible when quoting.  We are committed to avoiding variations after the signing of a contract for items that can be foreseen by an experienced builder at the outset.

In the unlikely event that there is a variation to your project you will be informed and consulted prior to any work being undertaken in order to find a resolution that you are happy with.